Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Today we looked at the various transformations of the plane (translations, central and axial symmetry and the new one: rotations).
You need to know how to rotate a point or a line or a shape through a given angle and how to identify how many orders of rotational symmetry a shape has.
If you have a point a, its image under a given transformation will be called a'.

Homework is to look at some shapes and work out what their order of rotational symmetry is and to answer a question about rotations on the coordinated plane. It is important the the rotation is through 90degrees.
If you have are rotating about the point a(1,2) and you are rotating the point b(4,0) you need to find a point b' which is the same distance from a as the point b is, where ab is perpendicular (90 degrees) to ab'. See if you can work out a quick way of doing this, without using slope and distance formula.

We also started looking at an overview of the theorems which we will be covering.

Don't forget to bring you geometry set to each class from now on.

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