Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Best of luck in the exams!

... and because you shouldn't need luck to succeed, here again are my top 10 tips for maximising your grade

  1. Have your pens (incl spares), pencil, calculator (check battery), geometry set ready well before the exam time.
  2. Manage your time. 2½ hours for exam = 25 mins per question. Exam starts at 9:30, you should be well into your 2nd question by 10am.
  3. Write clearly. Number all questions and parts of questions. Don't waste time rewriting the question. Highlight your answer clearly.
  4. Keep all parts of each question together. It is a good idea to keep questions in order. If you have to come back to re-attempt a question later in the exam, it will be easier to find it.
  5. Read questions carefully, do your work and then read question again to make sure you have done what was asked and to make sure you format your answer properly (correct to 2 decimal places, as a fraction, in surd form, in km/h etc.).
  6. Attempt all questions. Where there is a part (i), (ii), (iii) etc., don't assume that if you cannot finish part (i) that you cannot attempt part (ii), (iii).
  7. If you are running out of time remember how to get attempt marks - “any correct substitution”.
  8. Some students find it reassuring to write all the formulae you have memorised down as soon as you are told that you may start.
  9. Remember, for every blunder (-3 marks) you lose ½%, so be careful! Check your answers. Sanity check answers to “real-world” type questions (speed of truck = 640km/h, boy's height = 3.7m), check roots of equations and verify algebra using substitution if you have time.
  10. Construction marks are part of your answer. “Using your graph” means what it says. Show how you have used your graph.

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