Monday, February 2, 2009

Revised Plan Leading to Mock Exams

If you have completed the work you were set last week (see the list) that is great. If you haven't, then try to complete it over the next few days, using the tips on here or asking me in class if you are really stuck. We will look at the solutions later in the week.
This week we will wrap up the last two topics in statistics (Histograms and Ogives) and deal with two small topics which look a lot more difficult than they really are.
Next week will be devoted to Geometry and co-ordinate Geometry.
We will use the 2 days after the mid-term break for general revision.
Mon 2  Tue 3  Wed 4 Thu 5 Fri 6
       Stats Stats Surds Indices
Mon 9  Tue 10  Wed 11 Thu 12 Fri 13
Theorems Geometry Coordinate Geom
Mon 16  Tue 17  Wed 18 Thu 19 Fri 20
    M I D T E R M B R E A K
Mon 23  Tue 24  Wed 25  Thu 26 Fri 27
General revision

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