Friday, February 6, 2009

Work for the weekend

As promised ...!

First, do the correct questions from the surds chapter.
P238 Q 1,2,3,4,5 of the chapter test
In question 1 and 2 you get a clue to the answer in the question - you know that you can rewrite √108 as √something × √3
In question 3 rewrite "Three and one sixteenth" as a top-heavy fraction, then the answer will become clearer.
Remember in all these questions that you need to look out for square numbers: 1,4,9,16 etc.

Next, the new stuff:
Page 247 q 13,14,17,22
In each of these, refer back to the rules and examples from pag 240 and remember how to solve equations with exponents.
In particular q22 is one that you should try hard to work through. Parts (i) (ii) and (iii) are needed to solve the main part of the question.

We will spend most of next week revising geometry.
As preparation for this, try the following questions. Remember how to write out a formal proof, in particular naming angles properly.
Page 310 q 9
Page 319 q7
For coordinate geometry revision, read over chapter 10 and revise all formulae.
Then answer
Page 124 q 23

The last topic to look at is the final chapter in the book - using equations to solve problems.
Have a go at these 2 types of questions:
p386 - q4 (make sure you only use a single unknown)
p389 - q1 (simultaneous equations)

That is the lot!
I will post some help for some of these questions over the weekend.

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